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Merw Food

Merw Natural Buckwheat Honey 545 gr

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About this item

Supports immune function, and boosts antioxidants

Draws moisture out of the wounds and helps eliminate bacteria

Skin care. Protects your skin and keep it smooth and supple.

Helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood

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Product description

Buckwheat HoneyLocation – Talas region, Kyrgyzstan

Buckwheat honey is a highly nutritious honey made by bees that collect nectar from buckwheat flowers. Buckwheat honey isn’t as sweet as traditional honey. It’s also higher in certain antioxidants, so it might actually be better for you than other, sweeter types of honey. Buckwheat honey can range in color from brown to black.

Benefits of Buckwheat Honey :

  • Buckwheat Honey promotes healing in the body, supports immune function, and boosts antioxidants. It’s also great for soothing sore throats and coughs. Buckwheat honey has also been found to help keep blood sugar levels down for people with diabetes.
  • Wound care. Buckwheat honey actually draws moisture out of the wounds and helps eliminate bacteria. Because it has a lot of sugar and a low pH, honey can also prevent bacteria and other microbes from growing in the wound.
  • Skin care. Buckwheat honey is known to help protect your skin and keep it smooth and supple.
  • Stopping DNA mutations. Certain types of honey have even been found to help reverse some of the DNA mutations that cause sickness and cancer.
  • Reducing cholesterol. Buckwheat honey was found to help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which can help heart health and even lower high blood pressure.